Project thesis in microcontroller programming using C++ and the ESP32. Waking up by the sunrise with your favorite song.

Project thesis

The wake up light alarm clock project started as a thesis at the DHBW Mannheim, as part of my electrical engineering studies.

Thesis title

Entwicklung eines Lichtweckers mit Uhren- und Alarmfunktion (Software)


“This project thesis covers the software development of a light alarm clock with clock and alarm functionality. A light alarm clock uses light to wake up the user. For this purpose the influence of light on the human biorhythm is used. In the first part of the thesis the theoretical preliminary considerations, the individual software libraries and hardware components are discussed. The implementation is realized with an ESP32, the synchronization of the time is done via the network time protocol. First of all the implementation of the individual components takes place. Then a data structure, as well as an acoustic alarm function and a light alarm function are implemented. The individual components and alarm functions are combined in a menu structure and logically linked within the loop()-function. The light alarm clock has four adjustable alarms. The acoustic alarm is implemented with an MP3 player and the light alarm with a neopixel matrix. Both the MP3 player and the neopixel matrix can be used independently.” [1, p. III]


📥 Project thesis (PDF)

🔗 GitHub repository


[1] J. Schackniß, “Entwicklung eines Lichtweckers mit Uhren- und Alarmfunktion (Software): Studienarbeit I” Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Mannheim, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://​​/​downloads/​lichtwecker/​project-​thesis.pdf