Project thesis in backend development using Go and MongoDB. Great questions lead to great design and innovation! If you have a really good design challenge...
The development of the challengefinder started during a hackathon. I continued working on the tool as part of a project thesis at DHBW Mannheim.
Project thesis
Thesis title
Backend-Entwicklung eines kollaborativen Tools zur Definition von Design Challenges
“This project thesis covers the backend development of a collaborative tool for defining design challenges. A design challenge is the foundation for design thinking. Design thinking includes methods and techniques to help teams solve problems and develop innovations. The tool is designed to help users define an optimal design challenge. This is presented in the form of a use case. The project is implemented using the Go programming language. The document-oriented database MongoDB is used for data storage. In order to map the process in Go as well as in the database, two data models were developed. Furthermore, CRUD operations and corresponding unit tests are implemented to fulfil the use case. With the help of the WebSocket protocol and the ‘websocket’ package, the feature to collaborate and an API are implemented. Clients can request functions through the API and the response is then sent to all clients. Both request and response are formatted as JSON.” [1, p. II]
[1] J. Schackniß, “Backend-Entwicklung eines kollaborativen Tools zur Definition von Design Challenges: Studienarbeit II” Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim, Mannheim, 2021. [Online]. Available: